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Birth Story - Our Sunscreen
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Our sunscreen has arrived! And like many a proud Mama, I can't wait to share all the details leading up to its delivery.
It started as an idea, which grew into a dream, which started working its way toward reality about 9 months ago, actually.
During both of my pregnancies I was that mum, with a zincy-white face any time we went out. I was adamant about using mineral only, and I tried everything I could find, sometimes compromising on safety (salicylates everywhere, argh!), often on useability (so thick, ugh!) and always on looks (white, so white!). I knew there had to be something better.
After hearing other mums share how important UV protection is in their daily routines, I started on my quest to create a miracle, easy-to-apply, actually invisible, totally effective and pregnancy-safe zinc oxide sunscreen.
Now I'm not a skincare expert, or a manufacturer. So I searched near and far to find a manufacturer with the expertise, facilities and certifications needed to make an awesome product that could ace all its tests. I talked with people in the US, Europe, China... and I found the ideal partner just across the ditch in Brisbane, a manufacturer with experience formulating mineral SPF products and certified facilities (TGA licensed, FDA compliant, all of that).
For several months I tested samples, tried new formulas, researched ingredients and worked with the manufacturer to fine-tune our sunscreen. In testing, our formula has delivered 40 minutes of water resistance, a 3-year shelf life, and SPF50 UV protection to FDA and TGA requirements. It's certified organic and vegan. And it's free of all of those ingredients we're meant to avoid when pregnant, so I can hand-on-heart say it's safe for mums and bubs.
And I absolutely love it! As our sunscreen was in production, I set to figuring out this whole marketing thing -- website, social media -- sharing publicly and trying to sell something? Not my comfort zone or strong suit! But I genuinely love our sunscreen. I use it every day on myself and my 3 year old, and on my baby girl when we go out. And guess what? Even my zinc-skeptical hubby reaches for it!
So I am beyond excited that it's finally here, and I can finally start sharing it with you!
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Our Mission
To create healthy, natural sunscreen and skincare products for you and your family.
P.O. Box 857 Pukekohe, Auckland 2120, New Zealand
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